Introduction and My Baseline Photos

My interest in photography has been on and off since I had never been previously exposed to proper photography techniques and often became discouraged when my photos didn’t turn out as expected. However, I had enjoyed taking photos of various things that were pleasing to me at the time. My first and only proper camera was a Samsung ST66 that I purchased for around $80 at Walmart. My favorites photos are often of people and/or in black and white. I enjoy some landscape photography as well. Today, I continue to be interested in photography (when it’s convenient) and take photos when inspiration strikes. I’d like to continue to pursue photography as a hobby and purchase a legitimate camera in the near future.


Not only does my makeup look great in this photo but the intricacies of my actual eye are visible. You can see small veins in the white of my eye and the details of my iris.



I was playing around with my new set of lenses and decided to test out the macro lens. Similar to the photo of my eye, I love how you can see the details of the lens here. The blue of the lens really pops against the grays of the background.


I feel that the unbalanced amount of cool colors against the warm really makes the sunset pop in this picture. Also, the fact that the color is along one of the horizontal thirds of the photo really draws your attention to it.



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